I just did my hydraulic test II at the afternoon. Overall there is only 2 questions and i just manage to do one of them since the other one i did not really revise in details and even putting effort in it. So it have been proven my prediction is wrong..haha. 1 more thing from todays test, proven that;
"Do not judge and predict something you wouldn't know what and how it will happen. Just be prepared for it" :)
I din't blame so much because its my own fault eventually but i just have to felt bad about it. Nthing much can do about it now. So i just have to move on i guess...perhaps being much more better prepared in the final.
After lunch and few hours at lab doing esteem for design project only have the time to release a deep breath that had been holding since last few days and even week perhaps. Yet the esteem is not done yet and i felt i'm not very good in it. Maybe because it's a group work to produce only one final esteem work and worst we have to share pc for the software sometimes. I wish the crack version will be released soon! Sigh* Erm, but at least i'm glad that i have done my vb project and management proposal as well. Though the management proposal done is not very accurately but i believe all of us have spent our own good time to complete it.
It seem to be endless because tonight will be another task to do; English engineering's executive summary and Etika case study...arghhh.....
Just wish can have a good rest, sleep, meal after all of this stuff~~~~